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Random Freq, also resets any fine & quartertone

Random Freq, also resets any fine & quartertone values that were set.
It also erases any oscillators that are set to fixed.

When you have Quartertone or Fine tune settings set precisely, these are zeroed after a dice throw on the Freq option.
Also I guess this is a feature request but dice to also set quartertone and fine tune amounts please, seems very limited to just have it on the multiplier, I can see situations where you only want to randomise the multiplier but more options would be great.
Yes, Random Freq randomizes everything related to frequency so it randomly selects between fixed and multiplier modes (the latter one is more often chosen), fine/quartertone are also randomized that's not a bug.
Maybe more randomization options will be added later.
I'm on 5.0e
Been randomising Freqs, here's what I find:
fine tune, is hardly randomised at all, weighted to stay very low
Quartertone is sometimes randomised but usually isn't
Multiplier is usually always very low, ie not randomised.

Yes obviously the Essence is evolving and the random features are a really good start, I'm getting some quite nice results but could be really more advanced, there's so much potential power in the Essence, I think it would really benefit from a full featured random function, you know this already I'm sure but just saying.
We could keep the big Randomize button while adding an "Options" button to show all advanced options in a popup. So we keep the ease of use while having more features.

Been randomising Freqs, here's what I find:
fine tune, is hardly randomised at all, weighted to stay very low
Quartertone is sometimes randomised but usually isn't
Multiplier is usually always very low, ie not randomised.

Yes your findings are normal. It's a "smart" randomization to make more useful sounds that a pure randomization would do. It even tweaks operator volumes depending on how many operators are stacked. Having advanced options could let you control that.
